Welcome to our 45th Anniversary Story Gallery

Below are entries in the Share it! Story competition.

We've even published memories and stories from our 40th anniversary Web site just to kick things off!

Check back to see more stories from the Metro State community!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Camille Fangue '05

Memory: Metro State may have saved my life!

I was a successful Paramedic Field Instructor when my husband suddenly was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He died 13 months later and my mother 9 months after that; I had no idea what I would do next. I lost my certifications caring for them and was not in a place emotionally to tend to the sick. I felt lost and alone. I knew that I needed to finish my Bachelor's degree, which I had started online, but needed human contact. I was intimidated by the class sizes of the universities in the area.

I started at Metro the following September. I was completely enveloped with acceptance even though I was way over the age of the traditional student. I felt comfortable and confident and graduated in May 2005.

I don't know where I would be without Metro.