Welcome to our 45th Anniversary Story Gallery

Below are entries in the Share it! Story competition.

We've even published memories and stories from our 40th anniversary Web site just to kick things off!

Check back to see more stories from the Metro State community!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rosie Walker

Memory: A Roadrunner we recently lost

This story may seem sad, because its about a Roadrunner we
recently lost, Sue Lovato. Although I do tear up thinking of her, all I
can really remember is her smile. I think of how many students she
helped in the math Department, the STEPS program and in the
Independent Degree Program. The thing I will remember most was
her "adopting" the students in the STEPS program who had no
family. When they received awards or graduated, she would attend
their ceremonies. I know they will miss her greatly, as do I.