Welcome to our 45th Anniversary Story Gallery

Below are entries in the Share it! Story competition.

We've even published memories and stories from our 40th anniversary Web site just to kick things off!

Check back to see more stories from the Metro State community!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Megan A. Reyes, ‘95

Memory: I recently submitted an internship posting with Metro’s Poli-Sci Chair, Dr. Robert Hazan because, in part, I really want a Poli-Sci major from Metro. I also wanted to touch base with my long-time friend and mentor. After a few minutes of catching up, it occurred to me: I had come full circle! I applied, interviewed and ultimately earned a student research assistantship with Dr. Hazan my freshman year!

Robert reminisced about our first encounter and how I boldly asked for the job and laid out all the reasons why I was the best candidate. I recalled the event a bit differently; nonetheless, how we’ve chosen to remember those events pales in comparison to the many classes I took under his extremely challenging and stimulating teachings. Equally as memory-rousing were the countless hours spent in his office discussing current events, campus politics, and life after college, which necessarily meant graduate school!

With a very sincere and ever-increasing nostalgia, Thanks Metro!